
Mary’s Choices greatly appreciates the churches who have provided support for Mary’s Choices mothers and babies. Churches can have a Mary’s Baby Store drive or a Baby Bottle Boomerang.

Baby Bottle Boomerang

For a Baby Bottle Boomerang, Mary’s Choices can provide baby bottles to the church. With the pastor’s permission, the bottles are distributed to church members and then collected in a week or two. Members can place checks or cash and coin in the bottles and then these are donated to Mary’s Choices mothers for supplies for them and their children.

Mary's Baby Store Drive

For a Mary’s Baby Store drive, a church asks their members to bring in baby items from our most needed list (link) and gather items for 1-4 weeks. Mary’s Choices can provide you bulleting announcements or flyers if desired to list our most-needed items. Then Mary’s Choices can come to you to pick up these items or you can schedule an appointment for us to meet you at our clinic for donation drop off.

Mary’s Choices does NOT provide abortion services in the clinic.